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Extend Your Possibilities...

Practicing Tai Chi on a Rooftop
Practicing Tai Chi on the Beach
Practicing Tai Chi

Yang Style Tai Chi

This form helps one to improve balance, timing, centerdness, breath-control, and visualization skills.  The effect on the inner body is to allow better blood circulation which assists in better Qi or life-force circulation. This increased Qi flow helps to remove blockages from the energetic circulatory system while allowing the various vessels and organs of the body to relax, open up, and work more efficiently. This causes a decrease in blood pressure and a general feeling of ease and relaxation.

Yang Style Tai Chi

This form includes theory, principles, form, qigong, energy cultivation, weapons, push hands and self defense as part of this training progression. Instruction is taught on a semi-private and private lesson basis and is available only to experienced, serious participants who seek to make internal martial arts a part of their ongoing journey of martial explorations.

Yang Style Tai Chi

This form consists of stance training, silk reeling, empty hand and weapons forms, theory, history, principles, pushing hands, and self-defense applications.  It is a strenuous and powerful art that includes body conditioning and stationary stance work. Usually a good grounding is required before studying this style unless the student is already experienced with other Tai Chi or internal martial arts systems.

Book A Session

Shifu Dookie offers a variety of classes to fit busy schedules.  Private instruction is also available.  Book now to start your Tai Chi journey.

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